Pastor's Corner
30th March, 2025

If the Second Scrutiny is not held today, the current Year C readings are proclaimed, and provide the assembly with an incalculable treasure of biblical texts. In the parable of the prodigal son, Saint Luke presents us with those basic attitudes that we nurture in our hearts. In addition to the anguish and sorrow of the son who has lost everything and can only rest in the arms of his father, the reading leads us to reflect upon both the mercy of the father and the rejection of the older son. Which figure do we most resemble? In the First Reading, God reminds the Israelites that Passover began with their freedom from slavery in Egypt.
In the Second Reading, Saint Paul affirms that our new life in Christ, which we celebrate at each Eucharist and at every moment of our daily journey, comes from God. Therefore, we should become messengers of this reconciliation to which the new Passover calls us. The instructions of Saint Paul are more easily understood by parish prayer and bible groups, but it would also be beneficial for them to reflect upon the attitudes that Saint Luke's parable presents. Can each member identify with one or more of the characters in the parable and turn his or her heart to Jesus to seek forgiveness, mercy and peace in his father?
Rev. Juan J. Sosa