Pastor's Corner

5th May, 2024

As the apostles affirmed with words and sign the presence of the risen Lord among the communities of Jewish converts now members of the Church by baptism and confirmation today the Book of Acts testifies to the conversion of the Gentiles. The First Reading recounts the experiences of Peter in the house of Cornelius, the Roman official. As Saint Paul did in Macedonia and parts of Asia, Peter accepted the mandate of the Holy Spirit that the Gentiles, too, should be welcomed into the new ecclesial community through baptism.

This was a radical change that shocked Peter's companions, who had a closed-off attitude toward outsiders. Only love as Saint John proclaims in today's Gospel and Second Reading can overcome these boundaries! Our Church has long endured the human conflict between openness and the closed worldview induced by our pride. Even so, through a large number of ecumenical councils, the Holy Spirit has guided our shepherds to pronounce God's will for us in the midst of theological or pastoral confusions in a given historical context. This interesting theme may serve as reflection and dialogue for the faithful, especially for our ministers and seminarians. Using this text from the Book of Acts, reflect on our attitudes toward the prevailing cultural diversity in our society. What challenges do we encounter as obstacles to unity in our faith? Are there "strangers" for us in the Church?

Rev. Juan J. Sosa